10 things you may not have known about Murphy Brown,!
Emmy record for Julia Louis Dreyfus? Maybe? But Candice Bergen provides the asterisk with her MurphyBrown run!
My Murphy Brown On Jeopardy! Video! Sampling of Murphy connected clues used on Jeopardy quiz show in USA
Thanks for the compliment, Fox News!
Obviously, not the news I was hoping for, especially on my Birthday week
But I am so grateful for this voice back on tv and the opportunity to revisit an important piece of my past!
'Murphy Brown' Revival, 3 More Comedies Canceled at CBS
read hear via @thr
boo #cbs! @CBSAllAccess So sad! But glad we got there! Thanks @Faith_Ford @MurphyBrownCBS @realmurphybrown @Thanks
for you hospitality ! No the Birthday gift I wanted but...I am so grateful for the opportunity
I was at the last five seasons, including finale, of the original series and one episode of the reboot! I am blessed...
That said... that leaves #MurphyBrown, the highest rated unrenewed ! What’s up #Cbs #SaveMurphyBrown CBS At least for
CBS All Access
Read the beautiful finale article from The Hollywood Reporter here...
So I heard Manifest was renew for spring! Yes! But that leaves #MurphyBrown, the highest rated unrenewed ! Whats up #Cbs #SaveMurphyBrown
CBS At least for CBS All Access

In the Winter 2019 issue of Pageantry Magazine with Faith Ford of Murphy Brown.
photo courtesy Faith Ford & Campion Murphy.
Faith Ford is the talented actress who portrayed Corky Sherwood of Murphy Brown for 10 years before moving on to
the title role of Maggie Winters. Faith has since returned to the role of Corky Sherwood, a beauty queen turned journalist
for the reboot of Murphy Brown in 2018, and we also returned to the audience for one episode at Faith’s
kind invitation! She also co-starred on the ABC series Norm.
Ms. Ford, who began her acting career on daytime dramas
such as One Life To Live and Another World, has also starred in TV movies such as Night Visitors and Her Desparate Choice.
I was honored to meet Faith at a 1994 filming of Murphy Brown. Yes, both Murphy & Maggie were done on film, not
videotape. My good friend, Gina Altizer had appeared on the series, and arranged for my mother and I to be in the audience.
Because of my wheelchair, I had to be on the floor. So, upon leaving, I almost literally bumped into Faith. (I met series
star, Candice Bergen under similar circumstances that same night.)She was just as kind as you would imagine... and it was
a dream to meet one of my favorite actresses. Although, Deena Croston, MB's audience co-ordinator at the time invited us back
"anytime", I never could have imagined that we would attend nearly every-other episode for the series final four seasons...and
then follow Faith to all but three episodes of Maggie Winters. I got to know Faith and her castmates, and had the opportunities
to meet other celebrities, such as George Clooney, Noah Wyle, Rosie O' Donnell, Rita Moreno, Michael Jeter Patrick Warburton,
David-James Elliot, and even brief encounters with Clint Eastwood and Eriq LaSalle while on the Warner Brothers and CBS studio
FAITH FORD @ DISNEYLANDFaith appeared @ABC Primetime Preview weekend Sept. 6-7, 2003 in Anaheim, California.  It was great to see Faith again and meet her charming co-star, Ted Mc Ginley. Apparently all is well on the NY set, and
they have "Hope" foe the new series. Kelly Ripa did not attend due to a friend's wedding. Photos now up: Click here.
FAITH MAKES A DIFFERERENCEFaith will be among the celebrities participating in "Make a difference day," as she spearheads
a clean-up of Anacostia Park in Washington, DC.
COOKIN' WITH FAITH: Southern cuisine book published, more here!
HOPE & FAITH" NOW FRIDAYS @ 8:30 PM/7:30CT ON ABC, Visit ABC's HOPE & FAITH page here!
*** A five-time Emmy nominee, Ford is best known for her role as journalist Corky Sherwood on "Murphy Brown."
In the November 27, 2000 issue of People Magazine Faith is included in the "star talk" column (p.130) answering the question:
:"What are the most uncomfortable shoes you've ever worn?" Faith's response: "The shoes I had to wear on Murphy Brown
were uncomfortable. They all had over 3-inch-heels and were pointy." In the March 12, 2001 issue (p.118) Faith was
asked: "What do you wear when you want to look thin?" She replied: "Black on the bottom; lighter colors on top."
Murphy Brown is back! |
Thursdays on CBS! 9:30/8:30 CT |
#murphybrown is back!
& I was there!
For episode #6, “The Election”
More coming soon!
Cast photo here
With Faith Ford Corky Sherwood of Murphy Brown |
September 2018 Kauffman Astoria Studios |
Souvenir of my visit here!
My NYC trip for Murphy Brown reboot here!
From #Jeopardy October 10, 2018
“What is #MurphyBrown ?
Watch tonight and every Thursday on #CBS at 9:30/8:30 Central
And on CBS All Access & On Demand
CBS Boss on Culture Woes, 'Murphy Brown's' Future and Its Post-'Big Bang' Comedy Plans
#RenewMurphyBrown #RenewTheBennyShow #cbs @cbs
Why you should be watching MurphyBrown on CBS All Access app
Creator Diane English addresses False MurphyBrown cancellation reports from Fox, THR and Entertainment weekly,etc
Faith Ford. Interview from Australia media
‪#jimdial @Faith_Ford @tynedalyonline #CandiceBergen ‬
‪#RenewMurphyBrown @murphybrownpod @MurphyBrownCBS #MurphyBrown #weneedmoreMurphy @CBS #cbssoaps ‬
‪/ #SEASONFinale Thursday 930/830 #cbs‬
TELL CBS WE NEED MORE! On all social media platforms!
MurphyBrown ends season with high ratings, see here!
All new episodes throughout December! Thursday night 930/830
CBS! Let @cbs @cbsallaccess know you want more!
Congratulations Candice Bergen on your Golden Globe nomination
#candicebergen #murphybrown #GoldenGlobes nominations
Candice Bergen, Debra Messing snag Golden Globe noms for reboots Read
@goldenglobes @murphybrownpod @MurphyBrownCBS #renewmurphybrown @realmurphybrown @Faith_Ford @CBSTweet @CBS
I love #MurphyBrown! #DogOnWheels outtakes
#renewmurphybrown #cbs Thursday an on demand cbs All Access
click to watch
More episode set to air, another season of MurphyBrown is possible !
More Here
Let #cbs know you want it via social Media! NOW!
Happy 30th Anniversary #MurphyBrown
Debuting November 14, 1988
And still going strong Today!
- The Coma and the Oxford Comma (Sneak Peek 2) Tomorrow night Thursday
930/830 only on @cbs anytime on @CBSAllAccess As I have anMA in English...this appeals to me!
@murphybrownpod @MurphyBrownCBS ! We need another season !
And more
Happy 30 Murphy! And still going strong
Check this out
'Murphy Brown' Premiere Is TV's Top Show Among LGBTQ Viewers more here!
Watch Every Thursday 930/830 thru December 20 on cbs
'Murphy Brown' Premiere Is TV's Top Show Among LGBTQ Viewers https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/murphy-brown-premiere-is-tvs-top-show-lgbtq-viewers-1154972
more here!
Watch Every Thursday 930/830 thru December 20 on cbs
Fall TV Popularity Contest 2018: Which New Shows Won You Over? : Murphy Brown | TV Guide Vote here!”
I love @Faith_Ford and her cookbook! Here’s some of the reasons why! Five Questions With Murphy Brown Star Faith
Ford @CBS Read here
Watch @MurphyBrownCBS tonight, Faith at her best! ❤️
More relevant than ever!
Pass it on! Jim Dial returns Thursday!
930/ 830 Thursday CBS
Great line no doubt! But IMHO, Corky has an even better line in this weeks episode of #MurphyBrown (Thursday November
1st @930/830)
We were at the taping...
Congrats @Faith_Ford @MurphyBrownCBS The 15 Best Quotes on TV This Month https://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2018/10/the-15-best-quotes-on-tv-this-month-october-2018.html
via @pastemagazine watch Thursday @cbs
Murphy Brown
“Murphy would cut Shannon down to size. Just like she did with Jeff Sessions. He used to be six feet. Now he
sleeps in an acorn.” Corky (Faith Ford) on how Murphy (Candice Bergen) would handle an interview with a right-wing radical
in “Three Shirts to the Wind” (Episode 11.04).
Murphy Brown personality quiz
I got: You are... Frank Fontana!. Which #MurphyBrown character are you? Take the personality quiz...
via @playbuzz click right here
I don’t think I’m Frank...maybe Miles...same Birthday as Murphy! Love Corky, of course! How about you!
#MurphyBrown 930/830 Thursday CBS
MurphyBrown Boss Focusing Revival 'Through Prism of the Press,' Reveals [Spoiler] Will Return for Arc via @TVLine
I am so excited! #MurphyBrown
Big News Here Faith Ford Fans!
The Very First episode of Murphy Brown we attended "Burger, She Wrote" airs Tues. July 8, 2014 at
7 pm ET / 4 PT on Encore classic ... if you look closely you may be able to see the name "Baker" in the background on the
"FYI" assignment board. Thank you Faith Ford and the cast and crew of Murphy Brown for years of wonderful
memories... <3 John & Joann Baker
@murphybrownpod @MurphyBrownShow About twenty years ago, I sat it the studio audience at #MurphyBrown and laughed
at the absurdity of this scene. Now I know it was a Warning of what was to come, if you want to know what has happened to
us, watch right here now!
If you want to know how we got where we are politically In 2017... watch these old Murphy Brown clips! We were present when
they were filmed... especially if you're too young to remember... please make time to watch classic @MurphyBrownShow clip
Our name on the FYI assignment board on @MurphyBrownShow Episode :"Burger, She Wrote" air date: 10/17/1994 Season
7 episode 5 Thanks to Faith Ford, Candice Bergen, Charles Kimbrough, Grant Shaud and the rest of the cast & crew for
wonderful memories! The first episode we attend but we stayed right thought the end: Season 10!

RE: Corky Sherwood's Hometown: Nebo, LA Aug. 2014
Just received from
Faith Ford @Faith_Ford · 10m @jhbonline @MurphyBrownShow It really exists. It was one of my contributions. I have family roots in the
Aimwell, Nebo, Louisiana area. :)
Faith is schedule to appear on "Live With Regis & Kelly" Tues. Dec. 23, 2008 to promote her Hallmark Channel movie,
titled "A Kiss at Midnight, " premiering Saturday Dec. 27, 2008 @ 9pm ET.