Happy new
year pageant fans!
With a
new year comes new goals. This year, we at the MUO are aiming to bring you more
new videos, photos and giveaways than ever before. Our website is being updated
and improved all the time and we’d love to hear your thoughts. Check out our
latest changes now: www.missuniverse.com, www.missusa.com and
One of our goals is to let our fans get to know our
girls through video blogs. We will do our best to post a new video blog every
other Monday from here until the end of their reign. You can check out the first
2 video blogs for each of our queens at the following links:
Miss Teen
USA: http://www.missuniverse.com/missteenusa/videos/index/feed:1/videoCategoryId:Blog/ Miss USA : http://www.missuniverse.com/missusa/videos/index/feed:1/videoCategoryId:Blog/ Miss Universe: http://www.missuniverse.com/videos/index/feed:1/videoCategoryId:Blog
Each site provides links to
the girls Official Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages, with new content
continuously being uploaded. Our first Fan Contest is currently under way. You
can watch and participate by clicking here: http://www.missuniverse.com/videos/index and then choosing “Fan Contest -
That’s all for now, but we’ll be in touch soon with new videos
and more giveaways.
Thank you for all your support and love. We look
forward to bringing you unique content that YOU want to see.
Your friendly neighborhood Web Video Production Team